Elaine Eff

Elaine Eff is a local activist who lives in Catonsville Maryland. In 2013 she published her book; "The Painted Screens of Baltimore: An Urban Folk Art Revealed" Her interview is conducted by summer 2022 interdisciplinary CoLab group member Maria Yiannouris.

In this interview, Elaine discusses her life in East Baltimore as she experiences the unique culture of East Baltimore through the traditions of painted screens to the infamous marble steps. Elaine discusses the history of the painted screens as well as her background and education on the subject. Elaine discusses further the ethnic changes and the loss of important places within the community of East Baltimore. Elaine highlights the cultural erasure that has subsided within the community by highlighting the change in the community.   

Oral histories are important in developing a human experience within research. Using Oral Histories in research is an essential tool to recognize as they offer a unique insight of a valuable first-hand account of someone's life. Elaine's interview offers a unique and personal perspective of the differences between East Baltimore then (when the collection was created) and now. 

Summary Key Words: East Baltimore, Neighborhood, Screen Painting, Church, Activism, Community, Traditional, Folklorist, Change 

Interview Schedule:

  • How long have you been involved in research in East Baltimore? (1)
  • Has your work in East Baltimore been strictly for painted screens? (1)
  • How does the tradition of painted screens maintain itself over time? 
  • Have you noticed a difference in paint style between the different neighborhoods depending on the ethnic group that lives within the area, like little Bohemia compared to Little Italy? (4)
  • As there is a theme of traditionality are people in East Baltimore afraid of change? (5)
  • How does this fear of changes translate into attitudes towards change in the areas of life surrounding politics and the ethnic makeup of the community? (5)
  • Is there a goal to leave the City? (6)
  • Do you feel that the Black Lives Matter Protests are more embraced by the community than the Civil Rights movement was? (6)
  • I know that like a lot of people are against Hopkins as it's like buying up land and industry. And it is the new industry within Baltimore. What or, do you have any, bad feelings about Hopkins? (7)
  • How has Baltimore's change in industry affected the city's perception of the larger part of the country? (11)
  • What was your main reason for leaving Baltimore? (18)
  • Is the East Baltimore neighborhood still predominantly Catholic? (27)
Oral Histories
Elaine Eff